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WiSA provides free training courses for those in our network. These can be in person or online, and cover a range of different topics and skills to support your development and growth.


Confident negotiation through enhanced communication

Ever said yes to yet another piece of work when you are already overwhelmed? The chances are you have a strong “Pleaser” personality type. This can result in difficulty speaking up, not articulating your contribution effectively and avoiding conflict at all costs. There are four distinctive yet complimentary styles of communication we all use every day. Harness these styles to build and maintain rapport with an individual or group and manage difficult conversations. Learn how to step into the PowerType™ of the King/Queen and hold a powerful vision for your work and team. You’ll leave with a 3-part action plan for your own leadership development and tools to support your communication style.

This training took place on 8 November - check back for new courses.